Bridal Skin Care Regime

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Your D Day is slowly approaching and is all the stress from months and weeks of planning finally showing up on your skin? Worry not! We have come up with a simple AM & PM routine that will help clear your skin and make it ready for the big day! Follow these simple steps to know-how.


                                        MORNING ROUTINE

1 Deep Cleanse 

It is essential to shield your skin before the big day. Make sure to deep cleanse with a mild & gentle cleanser every morning and provide it with the right hydration. Do not use anything harsh as it may make your skin too dry and flaky. In addition, balance your skin with an alcohol-free toning mist. 

SoulTree Recommends – 

For Dry or Normal Skin Type - Indian Rose Face Wash with Turmeric & Honey + Pure rose toning mist

For Oily or Combination Skin Type – Nutgrass Face Wash with Neem & Soothing Chamomile + Fragrant Jasmine toning mist 

2 Moisturise & Protect

Do not leave your home without the right protection. Your face is the most exposed region of your body and you need to make sure to wear a thorough layer of protection on it. Post cleansing your skin, nourish it with a moisturiser that will help keep it soft & supple throughout the day. Club this with a sun protection cream with a minimum of SPF 30 if you’re in the plains (more if you’re higher up in the altitude).

SoulTree Recommends – 

For Dry or Normal Skin Type – Nourishing Cream – Saffron & Almond Oil with Natural Vitamin E  

For Oily to Combination Skin – Moisturising gel – Tulsi & Cooling Sandalwood

Chemical-free and Organic Moisturising-Gel



                                      EVENING ROUTINE

1 Cleanse

Every night before you hit the bed, make sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin. You can use a mild cleanser or a cleansing lotion to remove dirt and residues of make-up from the day. It is extremely harmful to sleep with an uncleansed face as it leads to pimples and other breakouts.

2 Face Pack

Once or twice a week, you can indulge in a face pack. A natural, clay based face pack will help rejuvenate your skin and make it ready for the big day. It will help smoothen and help reduce pigmentation, blemishes or marks that you may have along with tanned skin. 

SoulTree Recommends – Radiance Face Pack & Detan Face Pack

Ayurvedic and Natural Face Packs

3 Face Oil 

While we sleep, our skin works overnight to heal from all exposure from the day. Night time is the best  to indulge in protective face oil for your skin. Apply this straight away after your face pack or moisturiser. You can even mix it with your moisturiser. Make sure only to use a couple of drops and massage your face in a gentle, circular upward motion and wake up with a naturally glowing, radiant skin!

SoulTree Recommends – Radiance Face Oil 

For people with Acne – Anti-acne Face Oil, this is a spot treatment, hence, make sure you only apply this to the areas that are infected and not the entire face. 

A consistent and natural skin care routine will make sure your skin is ready for the big day and you look your radiant best. However, none of this will yield the complete benefit if you do not maintain a nutritious diet, a healthy sleeping pattern and drink lots of water.

Organic and Natural Anti-Acne Face Oil




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